A shooting in Chicago
Illinois, led by leftists in Chicago, often pushes the extremes. It has elected Democrats in multiple recent gubernatorial elections. It rejected concealed carry. It is dominated by state officials who are leftists.
But a new plan adopted by lawmakers moves the goalpost even further.
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It would allow noncitizens to be police officers, carry weapons and arrest residents.
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A report from Chicago City Wire explains one Republican described the scheme as “a fundamentally bad idea,” after a majority of state lawmakers went for it.
The proposal would let counties and cities hire sheriff’s deputies and police officers who are not citizens. It would give those noncitizens arrest powers and other authority, so long as they are legally permitted to work in the U.S. and have the right to carry firearms.
The state Senate voted 37-20 for the plan, and was approved in the House on a 100-7 vote.
Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, explained, “There’s no fixing it, there’s no amending it, there’s no nothing. You cannot hand the power to arrest any citizen of the United States, let alone the ones we represent here in Illinois, over to someone who’s not a United States citizen.”
Should non-citizens become cops?
He called giving noncitizens the power to arrest a citizen “a fundamental breach of democracy.”
A Chicago television channel reported a few years back, “No other state is so thoroughly dominated, politically, by a big city. New York City makes up a larger percentage of New York state than Chicago does of Illinois. But New York is composed of five counties, each with their own political machine. Chicago is part of Cook County, the overwhelmingly Democratic entity which contains half the population of Illinois.”
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That report continued, “As any frustrated Downstate conservative will tell you, whatever Cook County wants, Cook County gets. … Chicago’s ability to impose its will on its state legislature is unmatched by any other city.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: “Election denier!” “Science denier!” “Climate-change denier!” “Conspiracy theorist!” And then there’s “hate speech,” “fake news,” “disinformation,” “misinformation,” even something called “MALinformation.” A bizarre new lexicon has been conjured up by America’s elites, the SOLE PURPOSE of which is to discredit and ridicule – and if at all possible, CENSOR ENTIRELY – speech that doesn’t support their increasingly dark and deranged agenda. Tucker Carlson is just the latest.
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