This year’s Chief of the SA National Defence (SANDF) thanksgiving service was held in the Thaba Tshwane town hall and fittingly mention was made of Operation Robust, an ongoing effort to literally clean up the military suburb by ridding it of, among others, illegal immigrants and those intent on stealing power and communication cabling.
Other aims of the operation, going since February according to SANDF social media postings, saw alleged drug dealers taken into custody by military police; personnel sub-letting rooms in military housing having rentals halted, as well as general tidying up of what some term the Thaba Tshwane ‘cantonment’. This saw personnel from Thaba Tshwane-based units take up rakes, shovels and pruning shears to remove litter, trim trees and shrubs and generally “prettify” road islands and pavements.
Unable to be on hand in the town hall, General Rudzani Maphwanya’s address was delivered by SANDF Chief of Staff (CoS), Lieutenant General Michael Ramantswana.
Maphwanya’s prepared words regarding Op Robust read: “Let me pay a special tribute to the commanders and unit members who dedicated their time, energy and lives as they ensured that some of the main aims of Operation Robust were realised. It is such a proud moment to drive around some of the units and see how yards are neatly trimmed, buildings refurbished, and some of our prime mission equipment (PME) taken care of”.
“I am also aware that crime has somewhat subsided, although much work still needs to be done. I wish that we make Robust a culture within the DoD. Please integrate it into your weekly, monthly and quarterly programmes,” the three-star told those present.