Public Officials Who Contracted and Defended Adani Deals Urged To Resign
Public Officials Who Contracted and Defended Adani Deals Urged To Resign
The undersigned Okoa Uchumi Coalition partners have urged the public officials who were involved in the contracting and defending of the Adani deals to immediately resign if they have a conscience that cares about the national interest of Kenyans.
“Following the statements issued by the executive that was further amplified in the Presidential address on the State of the Nation, we urge those involved to resign and if they don’t, we call on the president to dismiss those who hold executive powers.’ said Diana Gichengo , the Executive Director TISA Kenya.
Okoa Uchumi are also demanding for the immediate review of all agreements and investments linked to the Adani Group, particularly in critical sectors like Energy, Infrastructure and review of other deals that jeopardize Kenya’s sovereignty, including the Social Health Insurance fund.
The initiative wants a full disclosure of the terms of these agreements and accountability for any improprieties and holding of all the members of the executive who were involved in this irregular contract and who continued to defend it even as Kenyans flagged fundamental issues of viability, transparency and accountability.
Value for the country and long-term implications must be considered in that all Public Private Partnerships and Private Initiated Partnership processes and agreements be made public and strictly follow the laid procedures of the law.
They have demanded the implementation of policies that lower the cost of living to provide equitable access to basic services, and prioritize vulnerable groups including reverting to the national health coverage scheme that has certain and more benefits to the majority of Kenyans especially for chronic ailments.
At the heart of reducing the cost of living is the need to reduce the cost of fuel which remains the highest in the region and rethink the increase in the petroleum levy recently introduced by parliament.
Parliament must focus on reducing expenditure by all costs if Kenya is to get on a path of economic recovery.
Stopping the proposed approval of continued excessive borrowing against the debt anchors by undertaking measures would reduce expenditure and cut the interest charged on domestic debt which makes the cost of domestic loans too expensive for the national interest and holistic development.
This has also made the government the preferred borrower and has locked out the private sector hence causing slow growth of the economy.
The Okoa Uchumi Coalition remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of every Kenyan.