In South Africa September heralds the onset of spring and for the landward component of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) its rotation time for soldiers on the border protection tasking, Operation Corona.
Ahead of replacing colleagues from sister units at strategically located bases, observation points and forward operating bases (FOBs), those called up for active service spent time at the SA Army’s Lohathla Combat Training Centre (CTC) training up for the deployment. Captain Selogile Leshage, Acting Communication Officer for CTC-based 101 Field Workshop, reports tactical and operational readiness alongside inputs from the SANDF Peace Mission Training Centre (PMTC) on the SA Army College campus in Thaba Tshwane, ensured thorough preparation ahead of the six-month deployment.
Information on what is termed “critical topics” including “vulnerable groupings”, cultural awareness and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) was passed on to soldiers by way of lectures and Q&A sessions. Protection of civilians, human rights, cultural sensitivity, conflict resolution, empathy and compassion, effective communication and upholding military reputation were also part of the “information diet” fed to soldiers from nine different SA Army corps and formations.
The 15 companies now detailed for border protection are drawn from – in no particular order – air defence artillery, armour, engineer, intelligence, infantry, ordnance and technical services as well as signal corps and formations They are now deemed combat ready post the Northern Cape training stint. They did the hard yards on physical training and table top shooting as well as cordon and search; roadblocks, and patrols to earn a medically and physically fit to deploy commendation.