MTN Group Limited (MTN) has appointed Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited (Computershare) as the authorised service provider to manage the process of locating shareholders with unclaimed dividends.
The objective is to update and verify shareholder information to facilitate the disbursement of any outstanding dividends.
Successful Distribution of Dividends
Since the commencement of this initiative, a substantial number of shareholders have updated their records, leading to the successful distribution of over R17 million in dividends. In collaboration with Computershare, MTN continues to exercise due diligence in tracing shareholders to ensure the timely payment of unclaimed dividends.
Computershare has been entrusted with the task of identifying these shareholders, obtaining the necessary documents to verify and update their information, and facilitating the payment of any outstanding dividends owed to them.
For shareholders who have not yet updated their details or claimed their dividends, the process is as follows:
- Visit the dedicated portal: MTN Unclaimed Entitlements
- Contact Computershare directly via phone at 0800 202 360 or +27 11 870 8206
- Alternatively, email MTNAssetReunification@computershare.co.za for further assistance
To expedite the process, MTN advises shareholders to have their identification documents, proof of bank account, and other supporting documents ready if your shareholder profile requires updating. This procedure is part of our commitment to the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) verification process.