Malawi’s Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has been investigating allegations of corruption against some of the country’s judges and court officials. In October, Malawian lawyer Alexious Kamangila revealed allegations of judicial misconduct on social media platforms. This prompted the JSC to begin investigating Ken Manda, a prominent Malawian judge, for corruption. Since then, the Malawi Human Rights Commission has also launched a public inquiry into judicial accountability in the East African country. These investigations come at a time when Malawi’s judiciary is grappling with declining public trust, a concern echoed by Malawi Law Society President Patrick Mpaka. Comparisons have been made to Ghana’s 2015 judicial corruption scandal, which led to significant reforms and increased respect for the judiciary. Apart from Judge Manda, the JSC is investigating cases involving judges who have also had corruption allegations leveled against them. It intends to complete these investigations before November is over.