Anyma is a popular Italian-American DJ and electronic music producer. While I could write paragraphs about his career, let me post a picture to sum everything up for you.

He’s doing a one-eye sign to confirm his status as an industry pawn.
Since 2024, Anyma has been in a relationship with an industry pawn hovering around the elite for years: Grimes, aka Elon Musk’s ex. While I could write paragraphs about her, let me post a picture to sum everything up for you.

Grimes is a one-eyed android with a fractured skull in one of her projects. Like most of her other works, this is all about Monarch programming.

This happy couple loves the “soulless android” aesthetic.
Anyma created a show dubbed “the hottest ticket in Las Vegas – and perhaps in the entire nightlife and concert circuit”: the End of Genesys residency at the Sphere Las Vegas.

The Sphere is the largest spherical structure in the world. Its exterior and interior surfaces can be used to display anything. One of the first things the Sphere ever displayed was a giant eyeball.
If you think that a giant, Big Brother, Illuminati-like eyeball watching your every move is a bit creepy, you’re not the only one.

People didn’t like the eyeball.
Inside The Sphere, Anyma has a “mesmerizing” EDM experience that features several artists. One of them is English star Ellie Goulding. While I could write paragraphs about her, let me post a picture to sum everything up for you.

Ellie Goulding does a blatant one-eye sign to confirm she’s an industry pawn.
Goulding actually deserves a few paragraphs because she’s a massive star who is the definition of an “industry pawn.” Indeed, after achieving mainstream success, Goulding’s influence and popularity were used for “activism,” which, as an industry pawn, equates “pushing the elite’s agendas.”
For her support to the LGBTQ+ community, Goulding has been honored with the ‘Ally Award’ (2022) by the Attitude Awards, the ‘Celebrity Ally’ (2019) by British LGBT Awards, and as well earning a nomination in the same category at the 2022 ceremony.
For her constant activism on climate-change awareness, Goulding has received numerous recognitions, some of her honours include being awarded with the ‘Global Leadership Award’ (2017) for her environmental and social justice activism, and being named ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ (2022) for her work raising the profile of fossil fuel-funded conflicts, including in Ukraine, and her support for refugees from conflict zones and the frontline of the climate crisis, both awards were given by the United Nations Foundation.
Yup. She was given awards from elite-owned organizations such as the United Nations for pushing elite-sponsored agendas such as LGBT and climate change propaganda. She is now a global ambassador of the United Nations Foundation. That means the elite really likes her.
Of course, being an elite pawn has its dark sides.
In the past years, Goulding has been experiencing severe mental health issues due to intense media scrutiny. She also opened up about becoming a “paranoid wreck” after being constantly stalked “over, and over” by an older man, as well having to deal with a male paparazzi with “a long lens camera wrapped on a towel”. She stated that she “never asked for this level of intrusion.”
Several Monarch mind control victims reported being subjected to gangstalking and constant surveillance, leading to a heightened state of paranoia. Appropriately enough, Ellie Goulding’s video with Anyma is all about Monarch mind control.
I mean, just look at the song’s title.
Here’s the title of an article from EDM Magazine describing the video: “Anyma and Ellie Goulding’s “Hypnotized” Doesn’t Just Describe Hypnosis—It Administers It.”
While the music and the visuals have a hypnotic feel, there is more to this video than meets the eye. Through symbolism, Hypnotized describes the troubling and horrific process of breaking down an MK slave through trauma and programming a new alter persona.

The video begins with creepy dark hands molesting Ellie’s face and leaving “black goo.” This screenshot also features one of many one-eye signs in the video.
The goal of Monarch mind control is to cause slaves to dissociate by making them suffer through unbearable trauma. The programming is done by insane people called “handlers.” In popular culture, MK handlers are often represented by disembodied hands because they’re, you know, HANDlers, and they work in darkness.
Therefore, the hands aggressively running around Ellie’s face represent MK handlers violating Ellie and causing trauma.

Then, multiple hands appear behind Ellie, each with an eyeball inside them.
As seen in countless previous articles, the All-Seeing eye is the occult elite’s favorite symbol. These hands represent the elite-appointed handlers.

The eyed hands surround Ellie’s face, covering her mouth and face. This image conveys the victim’s feeling of suffocation and powerlessness.

The dark and light-colored hands uncomfortably hold Ellie’s face, visually representing a vital aspect of MKULTRA: Duality.
In many ways, mind control is an occult process. And, at its core, occultism focuses on uniting opposing forces to achieve a desired outcome. In the case of mind control, the desired outcome is pure torment.

A painting by actual Monarch survivor Kim Noble highlights the importance of duality in MK programming.
The rest of the video visually depicts the result of the handler’s abuse.

Ellie’s face gets divided into multiple pieces, symbolically representing the fracturing of an MK slave’s persona.

Ellie’s head splits open, and creepy hands emerge from it. The handlers are literally in Ellie’s head.
Then, the desired result of Monarch mind control occurs.

Ellie “gives birth” to a new alter-persona through her head.
Meanwhile, the song lyrics describe the plight of an MK slave.
The more I fight it, the deeper I go
I’m spiraling down, I lose all control
The more I hide it, the weaker I grow
This perfect illusion, don’t wanna let go
The first line refers to an essential part of mind control: Resistance. MK slaves are expected to attempt to break away from their handler’s control. This is a desired part of the programming as the inevitable failure leads to further breaking down. Therefore, the more she fights it, the deeper she goes. The last line refers to a “perfect illusion” – the dissociative mind state of the MK slave where the handler controls everything she perceives.
The chorus blatantly describes the powerlessness of an MK slave versus her handler.
I feel hypnotized, circles in my eyes
I’m losing my mind (Ooh)
I feel hypnotized, blinded by your light
Holding on for life (Ooh)
The more I fight it, the deeper I go
I’m spiralling down and I lose all control
I feel hypnotized, I’m losing my mind
As we hear these lyrics, we see visuals depicting Ellie’s transformation into an MK slave with alter personas.

Ellie’s alter persona lurks inside her head, waiting to be triggered at any moment by her handler.

Glued together by black goo (representing the handler’s toxic and occult control of the slave), several mouths rotate around Ellie’s head and take turns speaking for her. A different Ellie speaks, depending on the alter that is being triggered.

Once the process is done, Ellie’s face is glued back together, and she appears somewhat normal to the outside world. However, a deep scar on her forehead reminds us that her mind is still fractured.
The video ends with an image summarizing the song’s message.

Several eyes and mouths are glued to Ellie’s face. She’s not in control of her senses anymore.
In the screenshot above, her mouth is replaced by an “artificial” mouth that is under her handler’s control. The same goes for one of her eyes as the reality she perceives is also altered. This fake eye appropriately creates an all-important one-eye sign to remind you that this sick process was brought to you by the occult elite. Because the same people who control MK slaves control the media we consume.
Anyma and Ellie Gouding’s Hypnotized was initially created to be projected inside the Las Vegas Sphere, profoundly immersing the audience – without them even realizing it – in the sick world of MKULTRA. Standing inside a gigantic sphere that sometimes looks like an eyeball, people stand there, surrounded with images depicting the programming of MK slaves, while hearing lyrics describing their helplessness and loss of control.
Therefore, for a few minutes, the audience finds itself in a “hypnotizing” experience where everything they see and hear (all 360 degrees) is artificially generated – not unlike a dissociated MK slave under the hypnotizing control of a handler.
Nowadays, this is what we call “entertainment.”