America has long been said to be the land of opportunity, a beacon of hope and prosperity luring countless people from around the world in search of better life.
The promise of the ‘American Dream’, with its allure of upward mobility, economic success and the freedom to build a better life, resonates deeply with those seeking to escape hardship and embrace opportunity away from their homes.
From Africa, a majority of migrants tend to seek permanent residency in the Western nation – for educational opportunities, safety from political instability and insecurity, to reunite with family members who migrated before them, for career advancement, and for religious freedom, among other reasons.
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For Ms Victoria Kimani, a sensational Afropop musician with Kenyan roots, she found herself living the American dream when her parents moved to there for a religious mission. She was born in the ‘land of the free’.
In previous media interviews, Ms Kimani has given a preview of what her life was like in America and how the open culture there influenced her childhood, her fashion choices, part of her music career and who she is today, before her parents had to go on another mission to a West African country. After her parents’ mission, Kimani was finally able to visit Kenya.
She then spent a few years in Nigeria where she was signed to Chocolate City Records and her music was heavily influenced by the culture and entertainment scene of the West African nation.
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Today, she lives in Kenya and Nairobi News caught up with her to find out what a typical day in Kenya is like for her, having lived in several foreign countries before settling down.
“When I’m in Kenya, I wake up, drink lemon water, go to the gym and I do my household stuff, like whatever chores I have to do.
If I’m doing laundry, if I’m sending emails. I record myself at home, so if I want to make music that day, I just literally sit down at my desk in my studio room and make some songs by myself.
I get on the phone with my friends – we talk and gossip, we laugh a lot. Like I laugh a lot. And I think those are the things that actually keep me sane. I cook all the time, I watch documentaries, and sometimes I just sleep.
You know, I’m really a couch potato and when I’m in Kenya I don’t go out very much, especially like nightlife and stuff like that, so you don’t see me all the time, so you never know.
I might just turn up somewhere one day. I like to have a very normal life outside of music. I think that is the most relatable part of me because I am really, really normal. I don’t have any extravagance.
Like outside of music and I try to make it a point to have a life outside of it and that’s what keeps me going,” Ms Kimani revealed.
She said when at home, she does not spend much time thinking about music unless it has to do with the art songs she is releasing.
“I listen to it but I don’t obsess about the industry. I watch films to get inspiration. I try to keep my home a place where I’m inspired, I’m very meditative, I cook, I chill and that’s a vibe,” Ms Kimani concluded.
Read the original article on https://nairobinews.nation.africa/
Victoria Kimani: Born and raised in America, Now living in Kenya