ATAF remains committed to Africa’s growth and development through domestic resource mobilization, aligning with the ongoing process at the UN.
Press Release
PRETORIA – The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) congratulates the African Group, the
African Union (AU), the United Nations (UN), and the global community for their pivotal role in the adoption of Resolution A/C.2/78/L.18/Rev.1. This historic Resolution signifies a beacon of hope for increased transparency leading to growth, development, and economic sustainability, not only for Africa but globally, true to the spirit of the global sustainable development goals(SDGs 2030), in not leaving anyone behind!
The Resolution’s critical objective is to usher in more inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the UN, promising a fairer and more equitable world. ATAF sees this as a significant win-win for the global community, addressing historical exclusions that jurisdictions, including Africa, face in crucial decisions on international tax matters.
In embracing the Resolution, ATAF anticipates its members’ rightful participation in shaping decisions crucial to raising essential resources for Africa’s development and realizing the AU Vision 2063. The ATAF views the Resolution as a key instrument to address inequitable allocation of taxing rights, tackle Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), and eliminate Illicit Financial Flows, collectively contributing to sustainable financing for development goals.
ATAF recognises the enormity of the work ahead and the need to ensure that the vital elements of the proposed international tax cooperation are fully evolved and debated in an inclusive environment. ATAF calls on all parties to collaborate in building UN international tax cooperation that serves the interests of every nation.
“We believe that this approach presents a more inclusive and equitable pathway to sustainable development for Africa and the rest of the world,” noted Logan Wort, the ATAF Executive Secretary. “We underscore the importance of carrying all parties along, leveraging on already existing global technical tax expertise in the ongoing processes, and the need for a robust contribution, from all to the immediate task of constituting the ad hoc committee and to their work in setting the Terms of Reference (ToR)”, he continued.
Recognizing the instrumental role played by the African Group and the AU, ATAF urges continued African leadership, boldness, and unity of purpose to unlock the potential for mobilizing internal resources. This marks a historic step for Africa in contributing to global prosperity and rectifying historic imbalances.
Over the past years, ATAF has collaborated with the African Union to identify revenue mobilization interventions to shield Africa from rising debt and reduce revenue depletion due to BEPS and IFFs. ATAF remains committed to Africa’s growth and development through domestic resource mobilization, aligning with the ongoing process at
the UN.
For media inquiries or additional information, please contact:
Nshimiyimana Fikiri
Marketing and Communication Specialist, ATAF
Tel: +27636893901
About ATAF
The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) is a platform that brings together African tax administrations to engage in mutually beneficial discussions and capacity-building initiatives. ATAF works towards promoting efficient and effective tax systems that contribute to the sustainable development of African nations.