SA Army personnel studying at the Military Academy in Saldanha were beneficiaries of SA Army Foundation largesse in the wake of a fire.
The fire, Defence Corporate Communication (DCC) reports, broke out in the Saldanha higher education facility on 12 August with students losing “personal belongings, including laptops”. Photographs show what appears to be student accommodation burning on an upper floor – apparently 20 rooms were badly damaged, but no one was injured.
Aid was provided by the Foundation in the form of replacement laptops, bags for them, printers and memory sticks.
The replacement learning aids were handed to students by Army Foundation General Manager Angel Ramphele and staffer Rosa Barros. On behalf of the Academy, Commandant Brigadier General Cassie de Castro thanked and acknowledged the Foundation’s efforts in assisting its members.
The Military Academy at Saldanha is the academic training centre for three services of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF).