The South African Aerospace, Maritime and Defence Industries Association (AMD), together with its Export Council (SAAMDEC), are postponing their annual general meetings while the African National Congress (ANC) negotiates with other political parties to form a government of national unity.
AMD Executive Director and SAAMDEC CEO Sandile Ndlovu in a communique to AMD on 7 June reminded members that the AGMS were due to take place on 13 June. “The AMD AGM is an elective one, where we are due to elect and confirm the Board that will lead and guide the Association for the next coming two years.”
However, as the 2024 National and Provincial Elections did not produce a clear winner, and as such South Africa will be governed through a coalition government for the first time in 30 years, “the delay in the constitution of a government presents challenges that we, as an Industry, have not dealt with before. And as such, it would be prudent to – strategically – delay our AGMs until such time that the political dust has settled and we have a government in place.”
The defence and security portfolios in government are due for a shakeup, as Thandi Modise will not be returning as Defence Minister, nor Bheki Cele as Police Minister. Modise’s deputy Thabang Makwetla is also a no-show on the new parliamentary list.
Also missing when Parliament sits for the first time after the 29 May election are Cyril Xaba and Mamagase Nchabeleng, co-chairs of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence (JSCD) and the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (PCDMV).
Due to the ongoing government of national unity negotiations, the AMD Board is proposing to move the AGMs to the right. “The AGMs will be convened once all the (industry) relevant appointments, such as MOD/NCACC [Minister of Defence/National Conventional Arms Control Committee], have been made,” Ndlovu stated.
“The new date will still fall within the stipulated timeframe within which our AGMs should be held. We trust that our members will find the above decision in order,” Ndlovu concluded.
AMD was due to elect a permanent chairperson, after Nombasa Ndhlovu resigned late last year, after two years in the post. She was replaced by Michelle Nxumalo as acting Chairperson. Nxumalo is no stranger to the sector and has been instrumental to the South African defence industry, having previously served AMD for ten years. She was Marketing Manager and Exhibition Director for Africa Aerospace and Defence 2022.