By Deisy Francis Mexidor
Prensa Latina and Resumen Latinoamericano English
WASHINGTON, DC — More than 300 thousand people gathered on November 4th in Washington, DC, to send a strong message to the US government that they stand for Palestine.
The march was the largest in the history of the United States in support of Palestine. It was the culmination of weeks of protests in cities across the country, with a clear indication that the Biden administration does not represent the sentiments of the people when it comes to Palestine.

Photos by Mark Mahoney Dream In Color Photography
People made great efforts to come from all over this expansive country to join DC residents at Freedom Plaza to express their rejection of the Israeli war of genocide in Gaza, which could not have happened without the military and financial support of the US government. All of this comes from funds badly needed for infrastructure projects and social programs for the millions of poor people in the richest country in the world.
Some recalled that they could feel a new energy that was reminiscent of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War.

Photos by Mark Mahoney Dream In Color Photography
Outraged by the crime committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories in the face of the passivity of the world and the silence of the hegemonic media, which hardly dedicates any space to these protests, there can be no doubt that a huge community is building around the condemnation.
Men, women, youth, seniors, children, groups, and individuals joined the chorus of voices that on Saturday afternoon, expressed loudly the feelings of an important segment of the population of this country.

Photos by Mark Mahoney Dream In Color Photography
“We do not want the murder of women and children, nor the colonization of the Palestinians. We are witnessing the total disregard for life with these genocidal crimes of Israel; it is something completely inhumane, “ said Morgan Henderson, who lives in the capital, to Prensa Latina.
For her part, Sapphire Ahmed, from New York, said she attended the rally because it is paradoxical that “we don’t have medical care, we don’t have enough money for housing or for our children or higher education; however, millions of dollars go to Zionist Israel.”

Photos by Mark Mahoney Dream In Color Photography
The massive demonstration descended like a torrent through the different arteries of the city, converging onto Pennsylvania, not far from the White House.
Among flags, slogans, and expressions of rejection of the genocide, there were also some reminders to President Joe Biden that they will remember the role his administration played leading up to his re-election campaign in 2024.

Photos by Mark Mahoney Dream In Color Photography
The protest was a culmination of other significant recent protests against war, including Jewish peace groups who occupied the congressional office building on Capitol Hill demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, and other actions were also reported in different metropolitan areas of the country over the last few days.
In addition, members of the CodePink organization interrupted Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s speech several times as he attempted to justify the request for millions of dollars in funding for the wars in Israel and Ukraine before the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Michigan Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib, the only member of the U.S. Congress of Palestinian origin, has accused Biden of supporting genocide in Palestine.
Tlaib warned that Americans will remember when the current occupant of the executive mansion is up for re-election next year how he responded to the war between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).
In a video posted on X, Tlaib urged Biden to call for a cease-fire in the conflict, something he and his administration have rejected to stay in line with Israel.
“Sir. President, the American people are not with you on this one,” Tlaib stated in the video, adding, “We will remember you in 2024.” For some analysts, Biden’s ironclad backing of the Zionist regime could prove a stumbling block on his path to a second term in the context of his shaky approval rating on several issues, including inflation and violence.
At this point, Biden’s unpopularity is at 57 percent. There are grim predictions of an eventual tie between the Democrat and Republican Donald Trump, despite his whole mountain of legal troubles.
The show of support for Palestine in the United States, which included a coinciding march and rally of over 50,000 people in San Francisco, was part of the World Day of Support for the cause of that people, held in Chile, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Brazil and Argentina, among other countries.
“This massive turnout is a resounding rejection of the policies of the Biden administration, which is shamefully taking part in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Without the support of the US government, Israel’s terrible crimes would not be possible,” said ANSWER Coalition Executive Director Brian Becker.
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